Saturday, January 28, 2012


In social studies, we've been practicing interviews. We acted out interviews with famous people such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Kate Middleton.  We also pretend to interview for a job. Then, I had the kids interview each other. It was fun! Next week they will have to conduct an interview with a person from the community or a family member.
 Me interviewing Kate Middleton
 Mr. Shawn interviewing for a teaching position with Mrs. Murphy
Doing their own interviews

Getting Ready for Open House

Here are some things we've been working on for our Open House on Sunday.
 We are working on letter writing. Theses letters are to our pen pals in Kentucky.
 We've also been learning and talking about traditions. These are some of the children's traditions.

In computers we've been learning about Power Point.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

5th Grade Buddies

Last Friday, we met with our 5th Grade buddies from Mrs. Peter's class. The 5th Graders will be reading to and with us at least once a month for the rest of the school year. Luckily, we had a lot of siblings, cousins, and friends that we were able to match up. It was great to have the 5th Graders help us with our reading!

The Old Woman Who Named Things

During D.E.A.R. time last week I read the story, "The Old Woman Who Named Things." This was a great book! The students each made a character in the story out of popsicle puppets.  Then they reenacted and retold out the story in groups.


On Friday, we talked about Martin Luther King Jr. and what he did for our country. We made small books about his life and created pictures that represented peace and equality.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Field Trip

We took a field trip to the Taft Theatre to see a musical called "Holiday Follies." It was all set in Cincinnati during Christmas time. We saw everything from dancing hippos to Santa swimming in the fish tank. I think the kids really enjoyed it! And a big thank you to the mom's who went on the trip with us!

Christmas Party

The last day before Christmas break, with the help of our wonderful room moms, we had an awesome Christmas Party. We read stories, played a few games, and ate lots of snacks. O, and we also had a very special guest visit!

Bucket-filling and Forgiveness Day

The day of our First Reconciliation, we had a school-wide forgiveness day that Mrs. Huff put together. We read the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" The book says that everyone has a "bucket" and when we do something nice for someone we help fill their bucket.  When we do something mean or hurtful we dip into their bucket.
Everyone in our class picked out a name from a hat and wrote one kind thing about that person. It was really beautiful to hear what some of the students had to say about each other. It brought happy tears to my eyes :)

Polar Express Party

We had been doing a lot of work with the story "The Polar Express" right before Christmas. We had discussions, did writings, and wrote out the plot of the story. I told the students that since they had been working so hard that we could have a Polar Express Party.
 The kids were allowed to change into their PJ's in the afternoon. I gave them all a "train ticket."  I had them line up outside the door of the classroom and punched their ticket to come into the room. I gave them hot chocolate and ginger snap cookies to snack on while watching the movie. I also gave them bells that said "I believe." I think the kids really enjoyed it and I loved seeing how excited they were about the whole thing :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Elfie

We were sad when we came back from Christmas break and noticed that Elfie had gone back to the North Pole. Before break, we found Elfie in all sorts of places. Here are a few pics.

Caching Up from Christmas

I left my camera at my parent's house over Thanksgiving, so I apologize for the lack of blogging. I managed to take some pics on my phone though...

Before Christmas break, we read the epic book, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." We came up with our own ways to make that cranky grinch grin...